Timeless Beauty of Barn Doors

Incorporate Timelessly Beautiful, Rustic Barn Doors in Your Home’s Décor

Most people are aware of the long-standing expression about closing the barn door after the horse has bolted. So, if a beautiful, timeless barn door is on your shopping list, why not acquire it from your nearest Brisbane, Sunshine Coast or Gold Coast Burleigh Door City outlet now that barn doors are popular features in home interiors?

Migration of Barn Doors

At some stage, the use of barn doors within homes undoubtedly migrated to interior spaces from outbuildings – mainly used as barns – to the innermost areas of modern homes. Whilst retaining the somewhat nostalgic aesthetic elements of their rustic charm and timeless beauty, barn doors are no longer exclusively relegated to rough and ready separate outside buildings and storage facilities, situated on agricultural properties, cattle stations and similar rural properties.

Doors for Smaller Rooms

Nowadays, with vacant land and building costs being at a premium, many new dwellings are more compact than before. Where possible, the average new home tends to feature smaller utilitarian rooms, in order to allow for more spacious living areas, without significantly increasing building costs, which are also high in Australia and elsewhere.

Timeless, Décor-Enhancing, Space-Saving Solutions

Barn doors are ideal for closing off smaller spaces like bathrooms, which are traditionally more compact than other rooms within a dwelling. Often, the once-humble barn door is also used to separate different sections of open-plan interior spaces within larger living areas of the home.

There are few other, if any door solutions that are as incredibly space-saving as a timeless barn door. Additionally, despite their rustic charm, our variety of Door City barn door designs allows our customers to select products which elevate and enhance just about any and every décor and architectural style. Depending on your choice of accompanying hardware, a barn door can become a notable decorative feature of a room.

Unique Doors

Why are barn doors such superb space savers? What makes these products so unique? They slide across the doorway as do standard sliding doors, but with a major difference – they aren’t installed snugly within the opening, but merely slide open and closed on a top rail, across the width of the opening, parallel to but not flush against the surface of the wall.

A smoothly functioning barn door doesn’t actually touch the wall, which prevents it from scraping against the wall’s surface. In order to ensure that the doorway is completely covered, the width and height of the barn door must be greater than the width of the opening, so that when closed, the door overlaps the sides and top of the doorway.

Décor-Enhancing Features

Barn doors are face-fitted. Door City’s distinctive black door-fitting hardware kit ensures that these exposed fittings become a unique, elevated décor feature.

At Door City, we offer two barn door finishes, American White Oak veneer and Primed, in a variety of designs, offering a selection of styles. Some are minimalistic and plain, whilst others feature classic door cross pieces, originally intended as reinforcements that enhance the strength and stability of the door in an actual barn application.  

Elevate Your Home Decor

Whether you want to keep your “horses” in or out, or space is an issue, discover the rustic charm and enduring timeless beauty of barn doors to elevate your home’s décor with the addition of one or more Door City doors. Send us an email or give us a call for a free quote and more; we’re always eager to assist.