Custom Glass Doors

Design Your Dream Door: Embrace the Versatility of Custom Glass Doors

As suppliers of an extensive range of doors, we at Door City have the experience to provide our customers with custom glass doors,in addition to those that feature our designs. Owning, managing and operating our factory enables us to produce the custom designs dreamed of and created by you, our customer.

Why Customise Glass Doors

Is there a reason why glass doors, in particular, are selected for customisation?  A quick look at our extensive Door City range of products provides the answer. Many of our high-quality doors feature glass panels or glass inserts for a variety of beneficial, versatile and aesthetic reasons. These include:

  • Glass admits natural light making your home open and welcoming.
  • It provides a clear, partial or full view of whatever or whoever is on the other side.
  • Glass is a versatile material, especially from a creative point of view.
  • It displays and perfectly highlights the custom design lines that are features of your dream door – far more effectively than any other medium or material would do.
  • Your unique, exclusive custom glass door design stands out from all others making it the focus of your home.

Your Dream Custom Glass Door Becomes a Reality

Custom glass door production is a process that involves you and our talented team of professionals. Whether you are designing the door yourself or have a picture of what you want, at Door City we work from a sketch or picture to create the ultimate door for your home or office.

Creative Customisation Process

A creative process, like producing custom glass doors, is simplified and effectively executed by taking a step-by-step approach. These steps include:

  1. Send your rough sketch, photograph, or plan to us at Door City. Include relevant measurements and additional information. It’s important that we understand exactly what you’ve visualised, so that we may transform your dream design into a reality. Our professional design team is on hand to draw up and refine working drawings of your custom design.
  2. Once you’ve approved our interpretation of your customised requirements, we’ll furnish you with a quote.
  3. The quote is largely dependent on the complexity of your custom design, which is why it’s difficult to provide you with an estimated price upfront. The lead time from order and production to completion and readiness for delivery is affected likewise, but we endeavour to provide you with a rough estimate of the applicable turnaround time.
  4. Once you’ve accepted our quote, we manufacture your dream custom glass door from scratch, according to your specifications.

Worthwhile Exclusivity

It’s our Door City mission to ensure that the custom glass door design experience is as easy, straightforward, cost-effective and simple as possible. We provide delivery and installation of your custom door to make it even easier and more convenient for you. Additionally, if you are building a new home, we will gladly communicate directly with the builders about the measurements and installation of your custom door.

If you can dream it, we can create it. Contact us at Door City to ensure that your custom glass door becomes a reality.